LTP Garment Sport & Outdoor Apparel Network event in London
Last week LTP Garment hosted the yearly Sport & Outdoor Apparel Network event in London.
We were thrilled to welcome industry professionals, enthusiasts, and leaders to create an atmosphere of collaboration, growth, and shared passion.
The event fostered an inspiring and open dialogue between the attendees.
Amongst the key takeaways were for instance Anne Prahl PhD session about Upcoming regulations in the textile industry (DPP), transformation in traditional sport cloths based on the latest Trend Forecast from Chantell Fenton, a deep dive into the latest version of LTP Innovation Book developed by our own Laura Didžiokiene, and not least how we can foster the relationship between supplier, manufacturer, and brand.

Thanks to all participants! 👏#ltpgroup#sportoutdoor#network#london#manufacturer#shareknowledge